Explore the following special offers and discounts to gain deeper insight into the trends shaping your field. Our special offer packages will include recordings, courses or a combination of both. Please note that some sessions within each package will earn CEU credits while others will not.
NSGC 2022 Annual Conference Full Conference Online Access Set (includes Pre-Conference and General Sessions)
Did you miss the 2022 Annual Conference? This is your chance to access both the Pre-Conference and General Session Recordings that took place at the NSGC annual event. Purchase these courses today and claim CEUs and Contact Hours for any courses you complete for only $629!

2022 Conference and Pre-Conference Symposia Recordings (Available for CEUs until 3/31/2025)
NSGC 2022 Annual Conference Online Access Set (General Sessions Only)
This is your chance to access all of the General Session Recordings that took place at the 2022 NSGC Annual Conference. Set up lunch and learns, share this education with your team or just claim extra CEUs and Contact Hours you need for the year for only $349!

2022 Conference and Pre-Conference Symposia Recordings (Available for CEUs until 3/31/2025)
NSGC 2022 Annual Conference Pre-Conference Online Access Set (Pre-Conference Sessions Only)
Access the Pre-Conference Session Recordings that took place at the 2022 NSGC Annual Conference and re-watch what you missed or what you didn't get a chance to! Begin to earn CEUs and Contact Hours immediately for only $329!

2022 Conference and Pre-Conference Symposia Recordings (Available for CEUs until 3/31/2025)
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